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Hi, i am Michele Mulè




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Welcome to the place where i costantly save some of my best shots (or, almost. what i believe the best).

There are many questions that everybody with a camera in hand, should ask to itself before to shot..

Why to shot? and What are my subjects? , are in my honest opinion, the most important to be answered , since ever.

Regarding myself, i found that answers changed (and continuing ...) with age.

At the beginning, was an impulse, the instinct to catch 'something' in the light, in the place, in situations. Later on was 'a message', a 'look for contact' , to act by capacity (or intent to) induce emotions through the 'written light'.

Nowaday i think its a mirror, a scene , an object, a light, that is a masked reflection of something inside me. Feelings that has no name, cant be described or defined with words. (well, at least, iam not able to do it). This is why i tend to transfigure everything i shot in 'archetypes' itself.

For this reason, I am not interested so much in places, objects or people itself, as 'they are'. I try to combine composition, lights, shadows, shapes, volumes, figures, carefully to achive the intention to transform the whole scene into a 'symbol' , something that makes myself (and maybe who's watching my shots) to stop a while and think.

Usually ,  post processing my images, help me to better clarify how i saw 'something' behind , when i perceived the whole scene before to shot. With time, i found black/white photography is the most effective to me, to express myself and have more control on what i want the viewer exactly 'see' in my photos.

Anyway, when i am able to capture an emotional dominant colour in a shot, iam pleased and amazed by colours itself. I love the ambient light, i love simplicity, therefore i'll try to move my next steps toward a form of aesthetic minimalism as main stream, but nothing will be excluded , and everything , hopefully, will be always considered and explored.

Thanks for reading until here, hope my galleries can give you some relaxed and thoughtful moments. Have good light..



Michele Mule'


All photos are taken by me.

Equipment: Olympus OM-D E-M5 , Nikon D-80,

Panasonic Lumix G 20mm F1.7 ASPH,

Panasonic Lumix G Vario 45-150mm f/4.0-5.6

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